The surge in Certified Email
Not only is SPID growing: according to what was announced by Aruba on the basis of the data made available by AgID, the summer months would have seen a surge in PEC registrations, significantly increasing the rate of adoption of this important communication tool. The vintage is clearly anomalous for many reasons and this is how, precisely in the months of the greatest traditional deadlock for the registration of certified e-mail boxes, the PEC element instead sees a sudden surge.
Today, more than ever, technology proves to be of great help for businesses and citizens. In this difficult period, more and more users have understood how PEC, as well as email or digital signature, are simple, useful, cheap and, in emergency cases, essential tools. The simplification measures contained in the D.L. n. 76/2020. Specifically, the Simplifications decree provides for some measures aimed at simplifying and improving relations between Administration, businesses, professionals and citizens by strengthening, for example, the use of Certified Electronic Mail as the main communication tool and introducing the right for citizens to activate their digital domicile also by means of certified e-mail, which in fact is elevated to an official electronic address recognized by the entire PA.
A total of 11,486,460 PEC boxes are active, with a leap of over 193 thousand activations compared two months of the lockdown and with 35 million more messages sent than in the same period.
In the month of June alone, the messages conveyed via certified e-mail would have been over 377 million: 57.4% for work matters, 30.9% for personal communications and 25.8% for communications with the Public Administration . The rest is divided between legal obligations, electronic invoices, competitions and tenders.
According to the estimates produced by Aruba and Trust Technologies, the net benefits of the PEC for the Italian system are equivalent to something like 2, 2 billion euros in the period 2008-2019, growing further in the following four years. These are lower costs, less time spent and easier management, all elements that contribute to rewarding the PEC as a fundamental tool for building a better relationship between companies and between citizens and PA. everyone: "with the PEC, physical waiting times at post offices are virtually eliminated, estimated - and this is the most curious data - in 2150 man-years in 2019, destined to become 3,234 in 2022". If time is money, nothing else is needed to explain how much Italy is advancing compared to the decades of queues at the counter.
The surge in PEC
The interpretation of these data is provided by Gabriele Sposato, Marketing Director of Aruba:Today, more than ever, technology proves to be of great help for businesses and citizens. In this difficult period, more and more users have understood how PEC, as well as email or digital signature, are simple, useful, cheap and, in emergency cases, essential tools. The simplification measures contained in the D.L. n. 76/2020. Specifically, the Simplifications decree provides for some measures aimed at simplifying and improving relations between Administration, businesses, professionals and citizens by strengthening, for example, the use of Certified Electronic Mail as the main communication tool and introducing the right for citizens to activate their digital domicile also by means of certified e-mail, which in fact is elevated to an official electronic address recognized by the entire PA.
A total of 11,486,460 PEC boxes are active, with a leap of over 193 thousand activations compared two months of the lockdown and with 35 million more messages sent than in the same period.
In the month of June alone, the messages conveyed via certified e-mail would have been over 377 million: 57.4% for work matters, 30.9% for personal communications and 25.8% for communications with the Public Administration . The rest is divided between legal obligations, electronic invoices, competitions and tenders.
According to the estimates produced by Aruba and Trust Technologies, the net benefits of the PEC for the Italian system are equivalent to something like 2, 2 billion euros in the period 2008-2019, growing further in the following four years. These are lower costs, less time spent and easier management, all elements that contribute to rewarding the PEC as a fundamental tool for building a better relationship between companies and between citizens and PA. everyone: "with the PEC, physical waiting times at post offices are virtually eliminated, estimated - and this is the most curious data - in 2150 man-years in 2019, destined to become 3,234 in 2022". If time is money, nothing else is needed to explain how much Italy is advancing compared to the decades of queues at the counter.