The success of (non-alcoholic) beer for dogs, sold out immediately

It's called Busch Dog Brew. Made from pork bone broth, it launched online and sold out in no time. But you can put yourself on a waiting list and be notified as soon as it's available again
(Photo: If you think that drinking an ice cold beer together is the deepest expression of friendship, sharing a pint with a four-legged friend is not such a weird desire. Best friend of man + best drink to share and that's it. From this consideration comes the Busch Dog Brew, beer (obviously non-alcoholic) for dogs. Launched on August 26, on the occasion of World Dog Day, it was a resounding success: in a few days it was sold out and now, according to the manufacturer's website, you can put yourself on a waiting list to be warned not as soon as it is available again.Considering that there are already ice creams and pastries for dogs, the beer produced by the American Busch (a company that normally makes beer for humans) shouldn't surprise you that much. The recipe contains neither alcohol nor hops (toxic to animals), but pork bone broth, water, vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices. And there is also a benefit: for every crate (ie 24 cans) sold, a dollar is donated to the Best Friends Animal Society, a non-profit association for the welfare of animals, up to 50 thousand dollars.
Dog Brew was sold exclusively online and only in the US, in packs of four cans at $ 9.99 (about € 8.35). However, stocks ran out in a very short time: those who were not quick enough to grab the beer for Fido, can now put themselves on the waiting list to make sure they do better on the next available batch.