The Last of Us 2 is one of the most completed games on PS4

For comparison, God of War was finished by 51.8 % of players, while Final Fantasy VII Remake by 53.3%. Much worse are some other exclusives such as Days Gone, finished by 34% of players, and Ghost of Tsushima, by 38.2%. Horizon Zero Dawn (34.5%) and Death Stranding (29.3%) are also well below the title of Naughty Dog.
However, do not think that the percentages of completely are so low only with some exclusives because for example the blockbuster Red Dead Redemption 2 was finished only by 28.6% of PS4 players. Let's see a summary table:
Final Fantasy VII Remake - 53.3% God of War - 51.8% Marvel's Spider-Man - 50.7% Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 50.3% Detroit: Become Human - 49% Ghost of Tsushima - 38.2% Horizon Zero Dawn - 34.5% Days Gone - 34% Death Stranding - 29.3% Red Dead Redemption II - 28.6% Gamers who don't finish video games have always been a problem for the industry. Many ask for longer and longer titles, but the truth is that developers have always had to fight with the difficulty that many find in completing the titles they start. For example, a 58% completion rate is excellent and far above the standard.