The electronic identity card for PA services
There are already 15 million Italians in possession of an electronic identity card (updated at the beginning of July). The number is constantly increasing and in the last year it has seen a real surge: +7 million. The target is the deadline set for 2026 when, in accordance with the provisions of EU regulation 1157/2019, the paper version must definitively disappear. In this regard, today the State Printing Office and Mint informs about a novelty that will make the document even more useful.
With the conversion of the decree into law, the simplification of the procedures for accessing public services, to the benefit of more and more users extended, will improve the efficiency of the services themselves, also favoring cost containment to the benefit of citizens and businesses.
Simplification decree: PA services with the CIE
The simplification decree of the July 16, 2020, now converted into law, "ensures all citizens access to public administration network services with the electronic identity card issued by the Ministry of the Interior and produced by the IPZS". A further step in the digitization process of the country and in more detail in the methods of accessing the services of the PA. The press release that has arrived cites the "high standards of safety and interoperability" of the CIE.With the conversion of the decree into law, the simplification of the procedures for accessing public services, to the benefit of more and more users extended, will improve the efficiency of the services themselves, also favoring cost containment to the benefit of citizens and businesses.