Perhaps it will not be clear to everyone yet, but there is only one great hope
to be able to face the autumn without tensions, isolation and lockdowns affecting companies, commerce, leisure, economic activities and so on. This one great hope is individual responsibility.
Here the world is divided into two parts: who at this point spontaneously becomes pessimistic, believing that individual responsibility cannot be trusted, and who instead looks at data and holds Italy generally responsible, albeit plagued by no-masks, politicians and Sunday deniers
who do not serve the interests of the community. Those who are part of the latter can avoid continuing to read:
it would be an exercise in style that is not very useful and it
will only be a waste of time before you get to overturn hatred among the comments. For all the others, let's get to the point.
The importance of responsibility
Those who in recent weeks have closely dealt with the guidelines issued by the various ministries for the launch of autumn activities (especially school) has two sensations very clearly in mind: the incredible bewilderment that one has in front of so much complexity and the incredible pride that comes from the commitment to make the premises that have to host our children healthier and safer . The same applies
to those who are working in
sports associations that have to guarantee activities in sports fields and gyms. In some ways, the same assessment applies in companies, where dedicated personnel are looking for creative solutions to regiment flows, control the use of PPE, regulate
smart working and more.