Receipt lottery: complete guide

The receipt will no longer be perceived as waste paper to throw away in the trash, but as a profit opportunity. Like a new generation scratch card, it can give away small weekly prizes; like an old concept "Italy Lottery", it will be able to give away super prizes that can change a person's life. Why not try? Why accept not to have a receipt when that receipt could change your future? The State hopes so: if the mechanism is persuasive, both buyers and merchants will be able to gladly accept this new mechanism that puts the Italian fight against black in the hands of Fortuna.
Here's how to seize the opportunity and hope to have their receipt extracted from Lady Luck.
Receipt lottery: how to participate
The receipt lottery starts on January 1st 2021 (after a first postponement compared to the hope of being able to start already on July 1st 2020): each receipt of an amount equal to or greater than 1 euro can participate in the draw. Every single euro spent becomes 1 virtual ticket, up to a maximum of 1000 tickets for amounts equal to or greater than 1000 euros. An expense that exceeds the decimal figure 0.49 will be rounded up to generate an additional ticket. "Before issuing the receipt", it is explained, "it is necessary to ask the merchant to match his" lottery code ", that is the alphanumeric code that is obtained by accessing the public area of the" Lottery Portal ", available from the Customs and Monopolies Agency ".The mechanism is therefore completely digitized: the receipt is transformed into a booklet of digital tickets that automatically flow into a large cauldron in which a blindfolded goddess will draw the lots. algorithm that selects random entities. Everything is carried out in the group of servers of the Customs and Monopoly Agency.
All purchases made by individuals, adults and residents in Italy, who purchase goods and services from merchants who transmit electronically, are valid for the lottery payments by electronic receipt. Purchases made for the company, those sent to the Health Card system (example: pharmacies) or those used for tax deductions or deductions are not valid.
Finally, the purchases made for the company are not valid. online purchases.
How to find the lottery code
To get the lottery code, you don't need to register: just enter your tax code on the lottery portal. Once generated, no other additional operation will be required: the code will be active and can be used several times for your purchases, immediately matching the receipt to your tax code. To give it to the merchant, it will be sufficient to print it, photograph it on a smartphone or otherwise show it to the merchant himself in order to immediately have your virtual tickets credited while waiting for the draw. If you lose the code, no problem: go to the site, generate another code and continue. All the codes generated will allow you to participate in the lottery and the loss of the previous codes will not result in the loss of the receipts already registered.The lottery code is an alphanumeric "pseudonym" code, consisting of 8 characters, which is associated with the the consumer's tax code in a unique and random manner (random), without any obligation to identify oneself. Each consumer can generate multiple codes, all equally valid to participate in the lottery.
The lottery code can be created starting from January 1, 2021. Furthermore, by connecting to the Lottery Portal, it will be possible to see constantly updated the number of your virtual tickets, thus being able to monitor the progress of the system and constantly checking that you have done all the operations necessary to participate in the competition.
Lottery of the receipts: how to participate
It is not necessary to keep the receipts: once the receipt has been matched to your code, the tickets are credited and valid without the need to keep any paper card to be able to collect any winnings later . The delivery of the lottery code to the merchant is the only operation necessary for participation in the contest: everything else is digital, simple and automatic.
Receipt lottery: the prizes
The prizes linked to the ordinary draws, dedicated to consumers only, are the following:seven prizes of 5,000 euros each every week; three prizes of € 30,000 each each month; a prize of 1 million euros every year. If the payment is made without the use of cash, however, the opportunity also becomes tempting for the merchant because an additional prize is made available:
fifteen prizes of 25,000 euros each for the consumer and fifteen prizes of 5,000 euros each for the operator, every week; ten prizes of 100,000 euros each for the consumer and ten prizes of 20,000 euros each for the merchant, every month; a prize of 5,000,000 euros for the consumer and a prize of 1,000,000 euros for the merchant, every year. The prize can be collected by the Customs and Monopolies Agency by bank transfer or cashier's check. The winnings will be notified in the following ways:
"to the winner's certified e-mail address if available in the reserved area of the portal (this mode cannot be used if the certified e-mail address is not active or the box is full) "; "By registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt at the last residential address of the winner available in the ANPR - National Registry of the Resident Population or in the Tax Registry (for the winner who has not reported a certified e-mail address or who, despite having reported it, has a certified e-mail address that is not active or has a full e-mail address) ". The prize will be collected within 90 days, under penalty of forfeiture of the sum. The details of the raffle tickets will be published on the lottery portal.
The drawings
The drawings will start in 2021 and will be organized as follows:“ordinary” weekly drawings "With seven prizes of 5,000 euros each weekly" zero cash "draws with 15 prizes of 25,000 euros for consumers and 15 prizes of 5,000 euros for merchants" ordinary "monthly draws with 3 prizes of 30,000 euros monthly" zero cash "draws with 10 prizes 100,000 euros for consumers and 10 prizes of 20,000 euros for merchants. To all this are added the annual extractions: the ordinary one of 1 million euros and the "zero cash" one that is giving away 5 million euros for the consumer 1 million euros for the merchant. All winnings are tax free.
The first weekly draws of 2021 will be made on Thursday 14 January from among all the payments transmitted and registered by the lottery system from 4 January 2021 to 10 January 2021 by 11:59 pm
After that the monthly draws will take place according to the following calendar:
Thursday 11 February Thursday 11 March Thursday 8 April Thursday 13 May Thursday 10 June Thursday 8 July Thursday 12 August Thursday 9 September Thursday 14 October Thursday 11 November Thursday 9 December At the beginning of 2022 (date to be defined) the draw for the "super prize" will take place, which in fact becomes the new "New Year's Lottery".
Source: Lottery of receipts