PS5: Spider-Man will not have a physical version, only digital

Revealed the arrival of the first chapter of Spider-Man also on PS5, many fans have begun to want to know about more. This is where Insomniac Games took the field directly, answering some doubts posed by several users on Twitter. Just recently, the American software house recently acquired by Sony wanted to state that the version of Marvel's Spider-Man released on PlayStation 5 will be exclusively digital and there will be no physical version.
no plans to release physically
- Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) September 20, 2020
As you can read from Insomniac's answer, there are no plans involving the release of a physical edition for Marvel's Spider-Man on PS5. It's hard to say if the situation will always remain like this, or if later in time we will see the first chapter of Insomniac's Spider-Man return in a physical edition even on the next generation Sony console. For day one and the following months, therefore, anyone who wants to relive (or experience for the first time) the 2018 Spider-Man title on PlayStation 5 will have to purchase the game in digital version.
Finally, we remind you that this remastered version for PS5 will include, in addition to the base game, the stand alone game Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales and all the The City That Never Sleeps DLCs already released on PS4. What do you think of this clarification made by Insomniac Games?
If you are a super Spider Man fan, don't miss this beautiful Cable Guy dedicated to Spider-Man. You can buy it on Amazon at this address. here