PS5: found the first tweet sent from the console, it is immediately viral

As you can see below, the @apmtweetss account shared a tweet saying "Are you all still using 'Twitter for iPhone'? ". The relevant part, however, is what is to the right of the date and time: "Twitter for SONY PlayStation5 ™" (note: probably the preview of the tweet below does not allow you to see anything, but opening it directly on Twitter will appear)
y'all still using "Twitter for iPhone"?
- DAYTONA (@apmtweetss) September 21, 2020
Of course we cannot be sure that it is a tweet sent via PS5 and not a fake, but this is what the Twitter system reported. However, we know that in the coming days some Japanese content creators will have access to the console and, during the next week, they will share their opinion. PlayStation 5 is therefore "in circulation" and it is not possible that in other parts of the world someone has managed to get their hands on one of them.
Even in the case of a fake, it allows us to understand how the excitement for PS5 (and Xbox Series X | S too, while not directly involved in this case) is truly great. More than 196,000 “likes” and more than 20,400 retweets are not indifferent numbers, considering that @apmtweetss is not a well-known or followed profile.
Tell us, what do you think? Has the next-gen already convinced you, or will you first have to see it at work?
You can find PS5 on Amazon Italy.