PlayStation 5: Kena Bridge of Spirits skips console launch

Among the various titles unveiled during the event dedicated to PlayStation 5, one of those that made people talk more about themselves was Kena Bridge of Spirits, a very interesting platform adventure that between intriguing playful mechanics and a splendid technical sector managed to capture the attention of many . From the trailers shown and through the statements made by the development team itself, or Ember Lab, it seemed certain that the Sony console would be released on Day One - or at least in the weeks immediately following its launch -, but apparently it unfortunately seems that the situation has changed in recent months, with the software house having to make a sad decision.

Through a message shared on Twitter, it was in fact announced that the game (also coming to PC and PlayStation 4) will see light only in 2021, a choice made necessary following the difficulties that arose with the arrival of COVID-19 and the consequent difficulties related to smart working, a work situation for which the small team was not prepared and which significantly slowed down the work general behind the production. Going more specifically, in the message released by the developers you can read:

*** An update to our Kena community ***

- Kena: Bridge of Spirits (@emberlab) September 11, 2020

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