PAX Digital: Sid Meier talks about DinoCiv and other curiosities in a long panel

All video game fans, therefore, should take a look at the video posted at the foot of the news: you will have the opportunity to discover one of the key developers of this industry through a fun and informal dialogue.
In this video the creator of games such as Civilization, Pirates !, Railroad Tycoon, SimGolf has chatted about his entire career, from the dawn of about 40 years ago to today. Topics that will then, of course, be explored in the autobiographical book "Sid Meier's Memoir !: A Life in Computer Games", but which is also nice to hear directly from the voice of the protagonist.
Particularly interesting are the passages in which Meier says that, upon release, Civilization 2 had to deal with the likes of Warcraft II, Myst, Command & Conquer and Duke Nukem 3D, all released in 1998, or when he mentioned the DinoCiv project, a strategic madman who never seen the light.
The video is obviously in English but, as per YouTube tradition, it is possible to activate the subtitles with even the simultaneous translation into Italian. We do not guarantee the results, but could help understand the speech.
What do you think of the life of the good Sid?