Paradise Killer | Review, postcards from Paradise Island

Paradise Killer: an open world to investigate
24 times the Council , who rules the world of Paradise Killer, has attempted to create the definitive island in which to carry on the cult of one's deities in order to awaken them. Each attempt, however, was a failure as each island eventually suffered a demonic invasion which led to its abandonment and the creation of the next one. On the eve of the transfer to Perfect 25, the definitive version that should protect from possible attacks, the entire Council was brutally killed. It will be up to Lady Loves Die, recalled from her exile, to resolve the case and figure out if the official version of the facts is true or if any of the members of the Syndicate, the elite in charge of managing Paradise Island, is responsible.Already the premise of the game helps to understand how out of the box the story of Paradise Killer is between islands made and defeated, citizens forced to worship gods, demonic possessions and investigators in exile for 3 million years. After a first impact that leaves you disoriented and confused, the lore of the world created by Kaizen Game Works gradually unfolds like a map in which, with the passing of the hours of play, it is increasingly easier to find your way around.