Nvidia Ampere, here are the new RTX 30 cards from Colorful

The Vulkan series of graphics cards feature a black coating and a triple fan design with some LED lights RGB on the front of the card. Vulkan's most noticeable feature is a 480 × 120mm multifunction LCD display that can be rotated up to 90 ° to accommodate both horizontal and vertical placement of the board. The screen can display custom JPG images, GIFs, hardware monitoring information such as GPU temperature and more. Vulcan graphics cards come with a screwdriver, a GPU holder and a microfiber cloth for cleaning the LCD.
Next is the Neptune series which is marketed with a 240mm AIO system that cools the full liquid graphics card. There is an RGB ring with a mirror surface in the center, while the tubes are fully coated and it is possible to rotate the fittings next to the graphics card by 360 °. The RTX 3080 variant of this card is available in the form factor that occupies three expansion slots. Like the Vulcan, this device also comes with a screwdriver and a GPU holder.