SportsGaming Answers back on Twitch today at 4pm: get on with your questions!

As usual, you can introduce the topics of discussion yourself by commenting directly under this news: in these days there have been many news regarding above all the Xbox world, as the release date and price of Xbox Series X and the official presentation of Xbox Series S, the new economic next gen that could shift the balance of the market a bit.
After so many discussions, in short, we have practically all the relevant data concerning the new generation of consoles from Microsoft, while Sony is still stalling on the announcement of the release date and price of the PS5.
The themes are always there, also in this late summer period, but we can also go completely off topic depending on what you ask us: don't be afraid and start writing your questions here in the comments.
Don't forget that you can interact with us in chat, in the comments to this news or on the official Telegram group of, where you will find many other fans to chat with.
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