Metal Gear Solid V, Quiet comes to life in octokuro.model cosplay

— Bellas Cosplay (@BellasCosplay) December 9, 2020
Quiet - #metalgear #quiet #cosplay
Modelo: @octokuro_model -
The cosplayer octokuro.model, in fact, long ago (before the pandemic) created a truly remarkable costume dedicated to the Quiet of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. The girl undeniably tried to enhance her physique, but she certainly didn't skimp on the costume itself, nor on the themed accessories that Quiet finds herself adequately equipped with.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, al the moment of its arrival on the market, it was received in a fluctuating way by the public and specialized critics. Quiet, in particular, is the sniper who accompanies the protagonist Venom Snake: over the years an emotional bond is also created between the two.
Below you will find the image of Quiet's cosplay, which you can also comment by letting us know what you think. But there is certainly no shortage of other costumes on our pages; for example many have been dedicated to Android 2B from NieR: Automata. View this post on Instagram Quiet make up test.