Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered on PS5 will be shown prior to release

Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered is expected on PS5 with the Ultimate Edition of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales but still not much has been seen of this remastered edition of the original PS4, to say nothing, however there will be a way to make it. knowledge before the release with a presentation by Insomniac Games.

We do not know how this will happen, we only know that the official account of the Insomniac team replied on Twitter, to those who asked for light, that Marvel's Spider -Man Remastered will be shown ahead of its release, expected alongside the PS5 launch on November 19, 2020.

It's likely just a new trailer released through Sony PlayStation's official social channels, but the Insomniac's response could also suggest a new official presentation event for PS5 before the release of the console, which could now take place in October considering that it is not long before the launch.

It does not remain dunqu and wait to find out what Insomniac has in store to showcase its Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered, which is obviously a remastered and enhanced version of the original chapter released on PS4. Meanwhile, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales has appeared as available in preorder on the PS Store regarding the PS4 version, while it has been clarified that the cross-save is confirmed for Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, while it seems not to be. however present regarding Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered itself compared to the original version on PS4.


- Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) September 29, 2020


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