Humble Choice September 2020: here are the games of this month

Here are the titles available in the Humble Choice September 2020:
Golf with Your Friends Caddypack Collection Generation Zero Forager Vampire The Masquerade: Coteries of New York Fun with Ragdolls Lethal League Blaze Strange Brigade Evoland Legendary Edition Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Catherine Classic The Occupation The Shapeshifting Detective These are the advantages of Humble Choice:
Total freedom of choice: every month, depending on the subscription, you can choose the games to keep in complete freedom. No mystery: all the games included in the service are revealed from the beginning of the month and it is therefore no longer necessary to wait weeks to get to know them. Unique benefits: not only 5% of what we pay goes to charity, but we also get access to Humble Trove and up to 20% discount inside the Humble Store. The following, however, are the various packages available for subscription:
Choice Premium (17.99 per month / 159.99 per year): 9 games, access to Humble Trove and 20% discount at the Humble Store. Choice Basic (13.99 per month / 124.99 per year): 3 games, access to Humble Trove and 10% discount at the Humble Store. Choice Lite (4.49 per month / 39.99 per year): no games, access to Humble Trove and 10% discount at the Humble Store. To make everything more interesting is the fact that the Humble Choice Premium is currently on sale for only 10.67 euros until next September 24: an offer not to be missed, which will allow you to recover at a super price all the titles above.