International collaboration for Huawei means two things: focusing on strategic opportunities to build strengths that allow Huawei to remain a global leader and, at the same time, enrich the capabilities of our partners. Let's make some comparisons with agriculture. At the beginning, the harvest of fruits from the foreign "field" took place only in small quantities, so it was not necessary to take care of the plants or cultivate the soil. Today, Huawei has hundreds of collaborative projects in the UK. Therefore, in this sector (or "field", to stay on the "agricultural" theme) it is no longer right to harvest the fruits without looking after the plants or cultivating the land. It
is up to the local collaboration team to become familiar with each of the best fields. Only by being familiar with them can we take care of the plants and make sure that each plant is not over harvested. Cultivating the land, including building irrigation systems, is important for maintaining stable long-term relationships.