How the consumption of technology and digital has changed in Italy

The Coop Report shows the lights and shadows of Italians' relationship with smart working, ecommerce and technology after the pandemic
Shopping cart (Getty Images) For months we have been wondering how the pandemic has impacted the digitalization process of 'Italy. The need to change habits by resorting to the help of technology - at work, in the family, in shopping - in a sudden and jolting way, and therefore not with a gradual path, what legacy does it have? There is no doubt that dynamics that were already in place have accelerated.Smart working has grown by + 770% compared to a year ago, e-grocery (the sale of fruit and vegetables online) by + 132% and the digitization in forced stages of professional activities, such as work, teaching, services, health, has generated an estimated growth of this market segment of approximately 3 billion between 2020 and 2021. These are the data that emerge from the Coop 2020 Report, drawn up by the Research Department of the National Association of Consumer Cooperatives (Ancc) and the Coop large-scale distribution chain. This year's study analyzes the effects of the pandemic on the behavior of Italians.