Heroes of the Storm: Worlds Collision Trailer introduces the Craft Wars patch

Here's how the video is presented. "The return of the Dark Nexus has made the war for control of the Singularities hotter than ever, but a small group of heroes are turning the tide of the conflict. Will Mei be able to dominate even the chill of the Death Knights? guide of an SCV? Who is the real heartthrob: Anduinn Wrynn, Valerian Mensgk or a smoothie of the two? As all realms collide, the King of Blades waits to reap a harvest of souls from every leader of the battlefield. be more than the sum of your parts and lead combinations of your favorite heroes in the craziest battles the Nexus has ever seen! "
Let's find out all the details:
Craft Wars introduces a world full of elements taken from StarCraft and Warcraft. In Craft Wars, Arthas King of Blades reigns supreme over all worlds. Anduin went from being a prince in Warcraft to being a prince in StarCraft, becoming Anduin Emperor of the Domain. Combining Nail Gun and a StarCraft SCV, Collector Nail Gun arrives, just in time for its redesign.