Graven: 3D Realms has announced a "spiritual successor" to Hexen 2

It is a FPS or action adventure with a dark setting fantasy and actually has many elements in common with the old Hexen 2, from the setting to the atmospheres to the actual gameplay, although not really a sequel to the series.
Published in collaboration by 3D Realms and 1C Entertainment , Graven does not yet have a precise release date but will arrive in 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch, with single player and online and local multiplayer modes for up to four players.
Graven is clearly linked to the typical style of the cult dated 1997, the particular FPS of Raven Software called Hexen 2, which in turn mixed in a rather peculiar way the fantasy features to the subject shooter goes classic.
To tell the truth, the description also present on Steam seems to focus a lot on the adventure elements, with the presence of puzzles and game elements in which there are puzzles to be solved using spells, skills or various weapons, therefore it promises to be a rather complex and varied game structure.
Even the first presentation trailer, shown above, leverages this composite construction of the gameplay showing fast and frenzied action scenes but also the presence of puzzles and enigmas to be solved within the particular gothic fantasy-style settings.
Not only atmospheres and gameplay, but also the graphic style is a reference to the subjective games of the 90s: although the graphics are rather complex in fact, the reference to the style of the time is clear.