DC Comics and Warner Bros. Games surprised gamers at the DC FanDome.
Gotham Knights, although it fits into the Batman Universe, is not a Dark Knight-centric game. Bruce Wayne is dead and with him his masked alter ego. In a posthumous message, the protector of Gotham enjoins his followers to take responsibility and continue the fight. Several questions still remain unanswered. Is the corpse found under the rubble really that of Bruce Wayne? Is Batman Really Dead? Isn't this death actually a narrative pivot that the comics have the secret? The Dark Knight has returned from the dead time and time again throughout the ages. The latter could therefore surprise us once again. But how can Warner resurrect Batman? Here are several theories (non-exhaustive list).
Gotham Knights trailer
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Death is the beginning of immortality
Batman is arguably one of the most beloved superheroes, if not the most beloved, which ironically puts him on the front lines when it comes to suffering and then dying. The authors take pleasure in making him endure the worst abuses before seeing him perish. The Dark Knight has passed from life to death eleven times (in internet memory) since his first appearance in 1939 in
Detective Comics # 27. Grim Reaper definitely has a soft spot for Batman, but no matter how many times Batman dies (or appears to die), he always finds a way back from the dead.