Fortnite vs Apple: Ridley Scott is not thrilled with the remake of his "1984" commercial

Fortnite vs Apple: Ridley Scott is not thrilled with the remake of his 1984 commercial
In the war of Epic Games and Fortnite against Apple, one of the most symbolic moments was the release of the trailer "Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite", which was not fully appreciated by Ridley Scott, who had been the director of the original commercial for Apple.

Ridley Scott is the author of milestones in cinema such as Alien and Blade Runner, but he also signed the famous Apple original commercial which was inspired by the atmosphere of George Orwell's 1984 book, considered symbolic of Steve Jobs' company at its origins and used by Epic Games for a sort of parody that turns its founding principles against Apple itself with the video Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite.

Scott commented on the video praising on the one hand the technical work done by the animators but on the other hand arguing that the message is somewhat diminished, being reduced to an ordinary war between two companies and without going much further. Interviewed by IGN, the famous director said that "On the one hand, I am very happy that they shot the original advertising scene by scene", said Scott, "It's just too bad that the message is so ordinary when it could have been about deeper topics. like democracy or more powerful things, they didn't use it properly ".

In any case, technically he was very favorably impressed:" I think the animation is still great, the idea is great too , only the message is a bit ehh ", thus referring to how he remained a bit cold in front of the video.

On the other hand, it must be said that even the original video was basically a commercial advertising for a new company that was trying to impose itself against the status quo of information technology, so the parallelism is there, regardless of the considerations that can be made about whether it is right or wrong to ride the wave of a legal war with advertising material p for an easily impressionable audience.

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