Fortnite: new skins of the Marvel heroes are coming, here are what

According to a new clue that has appeared on the net, however, it seems that the Skins dedicated to Marvel heroes are far from finished. To let the fans travel with the imagination was Donald Mustard, the creative director of Epic Games, who through a new post published on Twitter has apparently hinted that a new handful of Skins dedicated to Marvel heroes are about to arrive inside Fortnite .
Donald Mustard has just shared this picture on his Twitter account & I'm 99.9% sure that all heroes in this picture who aren't yet in the game will come to the game throughout the season.
Some of these skins would be: Black Panther, Ghost Rider & Captain Marvel!
- ShiinaBR - Fortnite Leaks (@ShiinaBR) September 25, 2020
As the post of the well-known Fortnite leaker ShiinaBR suggests , the next Skins to arrive in the well-known Epic Games title could be those of Ghost Rider, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Three much loved superheroes that are added to the various Iron Man, Groot, Thor, Wolverine, Tempesta, other heroes already present in the battle royale title and who are all in plain sight in the image posted by Mustard.
If this is all confirmed, Season 4 would be one of the richest skins and cosmetic items to get. Would you like to see Skins dedicated to Captain Marvel, Ghost Rider and Black Panther within Fortnite?
Fortnite | Guides and useful articles
If you want to stay up to date on the universe of the Epic Games title, these other articles of ours will surely be for you.New Marvel hero available, here's who is Where to find Wolverine and how defeat him Unveiled Challenges and Skins for the third anniversary 14.20: the news of the update, new hero included If you are a fan of Fortnite, do not miss this set of action figures from the title Epic Games. You can buy it on Amazon at this address.