Facebook Connect: the presentation of Oculus Quest 2 live on Twitch with us

Today will be full of news. Within our long marathon to approach the PS5 showcase, in fact, we will also follow the new Facebook Connect, or the event in which Facebook will show all its news in the VR and AR field.
It will be possible to attend to the conference directly from Facebook Live, even if you do not have a Facebook account, or even better in our company, on Twitch or through the player present in this news. Presenting the event will be Francesco Serino and Vincenzo Lettera. The absolute protagonist, however, will be the Oculus Quest 2, the VR viewer leaked in recent days.
To find out what the different sessions and the programming of the event will be, just go to FacebookConnect.com and visit the Facebook blog Reality Labs for all the updates.
There will be more than 35 speakers and over 15 sessions that will address issues such as social impact, productivity, content creation, expansion of connections between people and much more.
After the live broadcast we will talk about PS5 and Sony again. So stay with us.