Experiments and bonuses: where are we with electric micro-mobility?

The green wave, which since last autumn has filled the Italian squares, has made clear to everyone - if needed - the need to rethink our lifestyle to try to make it more environmentally sustainable. This reflection affects almost all areas of our daily life and, in particular, mobility.
Thus, as a possible alternative to smog and the stress of city traffic, electric micro-mobility solutions have begun to take hold: one way completely different from moving compared to traditional means, to whose diffusion the experimentation periods and the bonuses recently introduced by the legislator have certainly contributed. After months, therefore, it is appropriate to take stock of the situation. But, first of all, what exactly is meant by electric micro-mobility?
This expression designates the use of "vehicles for personal mobility with mainly electric propulsion" (Law of 30/12/2018 n. 145 , art. 1, co. 102), i.e. electric scooters, segways, hoverboards and monowheels. Given the broad legislative definition, other means may also be included, but, at the moment, the use of vehicles other than those mentioned - so-called atypical, as its technical and functional characteristics have not been regulated -, it is prohibited and involves an administrative sanction from 200 to 800 euros, in addition to the confiscation of the vehicle (Article 59, paragraph 2 bis, of Legislative Decree 285 of 30/4/1992). Having said this, therefore, it is possible to take a closer look at the discipline.