Word of Stefano Besseghini, President of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment: the free market pays off. The numbers were given on the occasion of the annual presentation to Parliament and the Government of the activities carried out by the Authority, thus taking stock of the situation both to photograph the past year (2019), and to outline the characteristics of this anomalous 2020 vintage.
The usefulness, above all, is to
take stock of the path that must lead Italy towards the Free Market: it is a very difficult race in stages so far studded with continuous postponements and maximum precautions in protection of users, but sooner or later the switch-off
will have to be established and ARERA will have to establish a new date to be considered as "last".
The free market is worthwhile
In the meantime, who has not yet made the transition to the free market of ga if luce will
have to pay attention to what Basseghini explained: the free market is worthwhile, or at least
this is what can be seen from the data for 2019. Those who have not yet made the switch, in short, are already losing opportunities today and in perspective the the gap with respect to the highly protected market will be even more marked.