Dragon Ball Super, a deity more powerful than Zeno revealed by the manga?

What we are about to report to you is the result of considerations on the last chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga, the one that had as protagonists Goku, Merus and Moro (Molo, in the Italian translation). There will therefore be many previews, for those who have not read the latest narrative arc of Toriyama and Toyotaro so far, same spoiler side. Avoid reading this article if you are afraid of discovering details that you would like to obtain on your own.
Well then, let's move on. During the battle between Merus and Moro, the former sacrificed himself to save Goku and the Earth. The Angels cannot interfere with earthly events: and so Merus was canceled from existence, he literally evaporated. Starting from this single event many (including the comicbook.com editorial staff) have deduced the existence of a divine entity superior to Zeno himself.
Here a premise is necessary, namely: who is Zeno? To date he is the King of the Twelve Universes and the entire Multiverse, the most powerful deity in the whole world of Dragon Ball Super. Even Angels and Gods of Destruction fear him: Zeno never fights, but he can eliminate entire universes in seconds.