Does Doom run on everything? You can bet!


The pregnancy test What time is it? BFG time The cacodemon says cheese Full speed to the afterlife 2 + 2 = 666 Darling, it's hot as hell! Doom on a pregnancy test but do you realize it? The proverb that goes around the Net is right: "if it has a screen, Doom also runs on it", and at the moment we have no proof to the contrary, quite the contrary. If it can turn on a deal that costs a few Euros, meant to piss on it, then it must be true. Searching on Youtube, but also just throwing an eye on Reddit, it was immediately confirmed: the id Software game runs on automatic ticket machines, forerunners of smartphones, on consoles of the 80s, on barcode scanners. Going forward, more and more commonly used objects are including within them screens and processors, even if not very powerful, giving way to dramatically expand the compatibility of Doom, or a technical prodigy that continues to amaze yesterday as today, even if for others reasons. And if you don't believe us, look at what we have found for you ...

The pregnancy test

With that screen it is also difficult to pass the first level, but this does not detract from the game runs and even at a more than decent frame rate. The pixels are as big as cacodemon and of course without an auxiliary keyboard it's impossible to interact, but you know what? It can be added. But why play Doom on such a deal, you may ask, but why #faffigo, would say Fabio Celenza's Mick Jagger.

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