Demon's Souls Remake, the preview

A respectable remake What will the camera be like? Certainties and Doubts With the advent of the next-gen and more precisely of PlayStation 5, we return to where it all began. Where a genre that has now carved its name in the history of video games has taken its first steps a bit on the sly - a lot, if we are to be completely honest. Demon's Souls Remake takes us back almost twelve years with our minds opening the doors to a new cycle of consoles at the same time and we couldn't find a better homage to it than having it debut on Sony's flagship at launch. Especially when behind the scenes there is Bluepoint Games, the studio to which we also owe another splendid remake: Shadow of the Colossus. There was little doubt that he would have done a respectable job again but the first impact went even beyond the rosiest expectations.Of course the final opinion will have to wait for the review, yet the four minutes of gameplay shown at the PS5 event were a welcome taste of what lies ahead a couple of months from now. In his time he laid the foundations, without even foreseeing such an outcome, and today he returns to reap the rewards by undressing his rusty armor of a tired old warrior to wear the paladin's polished lorica. Those who played it at the time but especially those who did not have the opportunity to discover the genesis of soulslike sharpen their blades: the doors of Boletaria are about to open once again.