Demon's Souls: PS5 version uploads are immediate

Same Moment gaming on PS3 takes more than 10 seconds to load (almost 11 in reality), complete with a transition screen, while on PS5 everything happens in a more natural way and without disconnections, since the loading time is reduced to 0, 86 seconds.
Actually, on the next-gen console you don't even notice the load, as it lasts the time of the teleportation animation.
Regardless of the marketing, it is clear that the adoption of SSDs on the next generation consoles will greatly reduce the loading times of all games, even cross-gen ones. Come to think of it, this is probably the most relevant feature of PS5 and Xbox Series X.
For the rest we remind you that Demon's Souls is a PS5 exclusive that will be released together with the console, so on November 19th here with us . That SSD!
People about to be dying a lot more in #DemonsSouls 😂 # PS5
- Shinobi602 (@ shinobi602) September 17, 2020