Those who have already experienced a road accident and the need to take the car to the body shop are familiar with the necessary procedure: the estimate, the photos to be sent to the insurance, the insurer's doubts, the waiting for the expert, the analyzes the final go-ahead. This mechanism has proved to be detrimental to everyone: to the customer who is forced to long waits (and uncertainty); the insurance, which must continuously move experts to verify that the estimates are well commensurate with the damage; the coachbuilder, who has to find the right balance between the customer's needs and those of the insurance.
According to the New York Times, Artificial Intelligence could soon be ready to take the field: the pieces are all there and the spark could soon
be released.
Insurance and AI
The idea is all in an app that could soon
be available to insurance companies and, consequently, to their customers. The application would guide the user in the photograph and the upload of images of the crashed car, so that the insurance can have the necessary material for the analysis. At this point, however, only part of the procedure has been automated, while there is the possibility of going further: it is at this point that Artificial Intelligence intervenes.