Capcom unveils Resident Evil on 3DS

Japanese journalist Zenji Nishikawa has divulged details on Watch Impress (thanks to Andriasang for the translation), including confirmation that Resident Evil Revelations is a game designed from the ground up for the Nintendo 3DS.
The 3DS may also use a half-known 2006 video card (the DMP Pica-200) but other than that, little has been disclosed on the specifics of the console and especially the CPU. At the moment there is widespread speculation on the alleged performances that the 3DS could guarantee. Capcom seems happy to share its 3DS performance with everyone but has revealed that due to an NDA it cannot divulge system specification information.
Demos showing 3DS graphics suggest that if on the one hand the Pica-200 may be deficient against newer GPUs such as the IMG chip, used by the latest devices based on iOS operating systems, its performance is decent. A tech demo released by PC benchmark specialist FutureMark shows a resolution of 800x600. The 3DS operates at a native resolution of 800x240 (two 400x240 images, one for each eye). Of course, the fewer pixels to handle, the faster the GPU can process each frame.