Assemble that Passes # 263

Budget Configuration Gaming Configuration Extra Configuration Assembla che ti Passa is a weekly column that collects the main news related to PC gaming hardware and offers three configurations, divided by price ranges, designed for those who want to assemble or upgrade your machine. As usual, suggestions are welcome and corrections welcome, as long as the tones are adequate. A further tip is to read the paragraphs that present the configurations before giving battle in the comments.The presentation of the new GeForce RTX 3000 did not disappoint, confirming some of the greediest rumors that have kept us company in these months. No new technology, at least as far as we know at the moment, but an avalanche of CUDA Cores involving a net increase in performance. We are talking about 60% compared to the same models of the previous series, for a series that also pushes the accelerator for ray tracing, without forgetting the tensor cores on which the powerful DLSS uspcaling depends.