Apple Watch Series 6 and new iPads: all the news from the September 15th presentation

Apple Watch Series 6 Apple Watch SE iPad Air 4 iPad Gen 8 Apple One In this strange 2020 we have become accustomed to communication methods other than the standard, therefore it is not too surprising to be faced with a presentation of Apple entirely focused on Apple Watch and iPad. Of course, the timing remains bizarre: we are in mid-September and the whole world would have expected the official announcement of the iPhone 12, but with the alleged delay imposed by Covid-19 on the production of the new smartphones, Apple obviously thought of postponing the events presentation in order to allow adequate space and time for each of its products. On the other hand, without having to organize a real show with guests and the public, it is logical to expect a more free and dynamic use of these events for a company that aims to launch several products on the market a year. br>Waiting for a presentation completely dedicated to the new flagship smartphone, Apple has therefore focused on its other mobile and smart devices, which in any case now occupy a great importance in the product lineup: both Apple Watch and iPad have received of substantial evolutions, from the point of view of hardware and software, moreover the company has further enriched its offer in terms of services with the announcement of Apple One, a sort of all-inclusive subscription to the entire suite of online media by of the apple.