After the Recovery Fund, von der Leyen's bet is called Dublin

In a time of unprecedented systemic crisis, a key word emerges from the first speech on the state of the Union: responsibility. Even that of not letting a model of society drown

(Photo: Nicolas Economou / NurPhoto via Getty Images) The controversial principle of the first landing provided for by the Dublin III regulation has kept anchored - not to say: prisoners - in Italy, pending the outcome of the long procedure for the asylum request and often in pitiful conditions, thousands of people who could have or wanted to move elsewhere, finding relatives, acquaintances or a better welcome. Not only that: it condemned the countries on the front line to take on the critical issues of management while the rest of Europe remained watching for twenty years. Or a little more. A first step to lighten the system took place exactly one year ago, with the Malta agreement which however showed its limits as a voluntary redistribution pact among a few European countries. It was not enough, it was not enough and above all it did not go beyond those rules, born in turn from the evolution of the 1997 Dublin Convention, which member states have been trying for years to reform, wrapping up one draft after another.

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