A cyber attack violated Norway's parliament

You hack into the mailboxes of employees and some parliamentarians. Even one of the major public companies has had some disruption with email. Investigations in progress
The Storting, Norwegian parliament was the victim of a cyberattack (Photo by Sigrid Harms / picture alliance via Getty Images) The parliament of Norway announced that it had suffered a cyber attack during the last week of August, which would have affected the e-mail accounts of some employees and a small number of parliamentarians. The violation, defined as significant by the Oslo authorities, is still obscure: neither the principals nor the consequences are known.The mailbox violation hit several members and staff of the Labor Party and the attack raised the attention threshold for cybersecurity across the country. One of the first consequences was a request addressed to the government by the main Norwegian companies to play a more active role in improving and coordinating the cyber defense department.
As if that were not enough, at a distance of less than one week after the violation suffered by the Oslo parliament, 10,000 employees of the Norwegian public company Hedmark, which offers IT services to administrations in the area, realized that they could no longer access their e-mail boxes. The Norwegian intelligence agency (PTS) then confirmed with a tweet that the investigation to identify the perpetrators is underway.
PST er kjent med IT-angrepet mot Stortinget. Når PST har mottatt anmeldelsen vil vi vurdere om det er grunnlag for å starte etterforskning. https://t.co/UIuqeXgaea
- PST (@PSTnorge) September 1, 2020