Xbox Series S or Lockhart for sale without lower price controller?

The idea was launched by the usual Jeff Grubb, Venture Beat journalist who recently became a sort of commentator / insider active 24/7 on Twitter and at this point we do not know exactly how take it, since we understand that Grubb often also enjoys using social media to stimulate the general discussion about considerations and speculations without actual foundation.
So we don't know if this also starts from actual clues obtained in some way from Grubb, but it's certainly an interesting idea: "I think the big news here is Lockhart without controller at a surprisingly low price", he affer mato the journalist on Twitter.
It would therefore be an Xbox Lockhart or Series S console model, which in itself is expected to already be characterized by a lower price, with an even lower cost thanks to the removal of the controller, counting on the backward compatibility of the accessories and Xbox One controllers that could facilitate the spread of such a solution.
It remains to be understood what a price difference this can entail: for Microsoft a controller probably has a cost of rather low production that would be reflected in a not huge difference on the BOM (Bill of Materials), but could still be used to offer the lowest price ever for a next gen console.
I think the big thing here is a Lockhart without a controller at a surprisingly low price.
- grubbsnax is back (@JeffGrubb) August 5, 2020 Source