X-Files - an animated series is coming

The series will be produced by the creator of the X-Files, Chris Carter, with Rocky Russo and Jeremy Sosenko in the dual role of screenwriters and producers; is also involved as producer Gabe Rotter who had produced the two recent revival series. As for the production, X-Files: Albuquerque will be developed by Bento Box, a studio that realizes, among others, Bob's Burgers and Duncanville for FOX, Central Park for Apple TV +, Hoops for Netflix and many other animated series for adults for Adult channels. Swim, SYFY and Comedy Central.
It is therefore likely that the series has a humorous / ironic tone and is indeed aimed at a mature audience.
Difficult instead of Mulder and Scully, or David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, are somehow involved in the making of the animated series.
The revival
After 9 seasons, The X-Files is back recently with two short revival seasons that have left fans quite dumbfounded. Gillian Anderson also confirmed, at the end of Season 11, that she had finally closed the series.Creator Chris Carter had expressed a desire to explore the X-Files universe again but, without Scully , the series would certainly have gone in a different direction which at this point is materializing in this animated series.
We remind you that The X-Files is currently available in the Amazon Prime Video catalog.