World of Warcraft Shadowlands: SSD is indispensable, according to new hardware requirements

This represents a very important evolutionary step in the world of PCs: although SSDs have been widespread for a long time, these have never been necessary, in the sense that they were not already an indispensable element in the minimum requirements to be able to make games work.
The solid state drive is now present in both the minimum and recommended requirements of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, along with the 100 GB of available space required to install the expansion. The same request was not present for the previous expansion, or Battle for Azeroth, which remained anchored to the mechanical hard disk (possibly at 7200 RPM) in order to function.
The new request could be associated with the change of the engine made by Blizzard with Shadowlands, in addition to the transition to DirectX 12, which should guarantee superior performance. However, while the minimum requirement for GPUs hasn't changed too much from the previous expansion, the move to SSD looks like a stark departure from the past.
We'll likely see more and more games requesting this. change towards solid state memory, a requirement that will become increasingly widespread also thanks to the transition to this type of hard disk made by PS5 and Xbox Series X, which will push the lowest common denominator towards the SSD as a common basis to be taken into consideration for developers.
Meanwhile, we've seen two trailers and an ONL release date for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, which you can learn more about by reading the preview written in July by Christian Colli.
So let's see the hardware requirements for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands: