The Witcher 3: Triss and Ciri in namy cosplay

Today's cosplay is dedicated to Triss Merigold and Ciri; an Italian cosplayer, namy_cosplay, made them both. Triss's cosplay is relatively recent, that of Ciri more dated: it cannot be excluded that the artist sooner or later may close the trio even with a Yennefer costume, since there is no two without three.
We offer them both, and you can comment them in the appropriate field of this article. Let's start with the image of Triss's recent cosplay: View this post on Instagram FINALLY MY TRISS COSPLAY 💖🥺🙏 after ciri now triss next will be yennefer 😂? What do you think about it? I can't wait to bring her at cons 😭💖🙏 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #trissmerigold #trissmerigoldcosplay #trisscosplay #trissmerigoldofmaribor # thewitcher3 #thewitchercosplay #cosplay #picoftheday #game # ps4 #cutie
A post shared by 🌸flower blooming in the slums🌸 (@namy_cosplay_) on Aug 18, 2020 at 3:00 am PDT
And then let's move on to Ciri's, where both facial makeup and the accessories / clothing used are remarkable: View this post on Instagram I haven't posted anything for so long 😭 so here my ciri cosplay 😎💖✨ ~~~~~~~~~ #cirillacosplay #ciricosplay #cirillaofcintra #thewitchercosplay # thewitcher3 #photography #picoftheday #cosplay # thewitcher3cosplay #ciri #game # ps4 #geraltofrivia #geraltcosplay #makeup
A post shared by 🌸flower blooming in the slums🌸 (@namy_cosplay_) on 10 Jul 2020 at 3am : 43 PDT