The new Smart Mobility Corporate Club is born in Italy

Smart Mobility Corporate Club starts from Turin, the Italian automotive capital, where last year - thanks to the strategic collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Compagnia di San Paolo and CRT Foundation - Techstars, startup accelerator, arrived one of the most important American in the world, which has chosen to establish the European base for its activities on smart mobility.
Through the Smart Mobility Corporate Club, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center will provide Cisco, FCA and Iren with a series of exclusive services and benefits, such as, for example: ad hoc research on global innovation trends, particularly in the technological sectors y media & telecommunications, automotive and energy; always up-to-date and tailor-made information on frontier technologies, also through access to international partner channels.
But also privileged contacts with the finalist startups of the selection and acceleration programs such as that of Techstars; involvement as mentor or partner of the startups of greatest interest; participation in international events in which to meet startups and possible technological partners, such as tech tours in Israel or in the Greater Bay Area between Guangdong and Hong Kong.
In the field of Smart Mobility Corporate Club), the Division of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking division of Intesa Sanpaolo, the Group follows the major Italian businesses and their supply chains, will also provide Cisco, FCA and Iren their experience with the team and dedicated services in collaboration with the Innovation Center .
"The Smart Mobility Corporate Club wants to encourage and facilitate the dialogue between companies that operate at the highest levels in new technologies, in the automotive and in the energy because they can share their knowledge, deal with the startup is the most promising and work together for the development of the mobility of the future, starting from Turin," said Guido de Vecchi, Director General of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation centre .
"Join the Smart Mobility Corporate Club is for Cisco to be an excellent opportunity, in line with our model of innovation is open that is based on co-innovation with customers and joint experimentation. The theme of Smart Mobility is particularly relevant, because it has an important impact in terms of digital services for citizens and defines the way in which the cities of the future will develop their transport systems in a sustainable way".
"in Addition, promote smart mobility means to digitize critical infrastructure for the country, and this is in line with the mission of the program Digitaliani, which we launched four years ago to accelerate the digitalization of Italy. We are so excited to take part in this project and co-innovate with other companies in the Club," said Enrico Mercadante, Head of Innovation South Europe for Cisco .
"In Fiat Chrysler Automobiles – said Roberto Di Stefano, Head of e-Mobility FCA Region EMEA – innovation is an integral part of our activities and the availability of information resulting from the accession to the Smart Mobility Corporate Club will allow us to quickly develop new projects in collaboration with the best young people of Europe, who will engage in the company new approaches able to develop a true ecosystem of mobility. Also work together with leading companies in their sector will allow us a better planning of the system and will allow us to realise our ambitious innovative projects with the objective of improving the quality of life of our customers and the environment of our city."
"participation in The Smart Mobility Corporate Club – says Henry Little, Director Internationalisation and Innovation Iren Spa – allows us to enhance the tools that we have adopted to bring innovation within the IREN Group. In particular, we can accelerate in the scouting of innovative solutions for mobility, a sector in which we are investing with the solutions Iren-Go, and to propose to the start-ups international as a partner of reference also leveraging on the program of corporate venture capital Iren-Up".