The New Mutants: Co-creator Bob McLeod criticizes the film

In fact, its release was made to wait for over three years, among various rearrangements wanted by the various studios also given the acquisition by Disney of 20th Century Fox, and arrived in American theaters, even here not without controversy and difficulty, it is definitely not gathering critical or public acclaim (the Rotten Tomatoes aggregator is currently standing at 29% and 53% respectively).
However one of the heaviest criticisms of The New Mutants comes from the co -character creator Bob McLeod who, while praising the cast, was disappointed by some drastic changes made in the film.
McLeod called the choice of the horror tone of the film interesting. lm but was disappointed, for example, by the absence of Dani's braids, although I appreciated Blu Hunt. He was also disappointed by the discovery that Rahne would not have a crew cut and Sam is not tall and clumsy. The designer then sharply criticized Sunspot's white-washing originally a dark-skinned Brazilian character who is instead played by a Caucasian actor.
But that's not all because McLeod has discovered not only that all of his graphic contributions for these characters have been canceled by director Josh Boone but also that during the credits his surname was misspelled in the thanks from McLeod to MacLeod!
The designer obviously collected the solidarity of the other authors associated with The New Mutants or Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz who defined the mistake made "ridiculous" and "shameful".