The creator of the hacker attack on Twitter is said to be a minor (who is now risking a big risk)

These are three boys, one of whom is a minor and who would be the creator and author of the attack. The violation of the security systems of the social platform would have been possible due to the phishing sent on the mobile phones of some employees
(photo: Omar Marques / Sopa Images / LightRocket / Getty Images) The investigations of FBI, US secret services, Florida police and Irs (Internal revenue service, agency that collects taxes) have identified the three responsible for the hacker attack suffered by Twitter on 15 July and which involved some of the most influential public figures in the world. These are three young people aged 19, 22 and 17, one English and two Americans (from Orlando and Tampa, Florida). The minor has already been arrested by the police because he is considered the organizer and author of the gesture, while the other two are in custody, waiting to better delineate their position in the whole affair. Despite being a minor, he will be judged as an adult under a Florida law which allows for similar procedures for financial crimes. The other 22-year-old American woman could face up to 5 years in prison and a $ 250,000 fine for violating a computer system. The Englishman, on the other hand, is also accused of telematic fraud and money laundering, crimes that foresee a sentence of up to 20 years and always a fine of 250 thousand dollars. The worst condition is that of the youngest, on which 30 charges are hanging.the details of The cyber attack
The first checks carried out by the computer of Twitter had led to the conclusion that some employees had been victims of a phishing attack on their phone, and that this had allowed hackers to steal credentials in order to access the network and violate the account of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Kanye West and many others (the profiles identified were 130, those which have been hacked 45). The reconstructions of the investigators have confirmed this thesis, but the investigations are still open to check whether there are other accomplices.To betray the three guys were the driving licences used to verify transactions of bitcoin – from the final value of more than 100 thousand dollars – to the account on which they were conveyed to the donations of Twitter users run in to the scam. But not just because the three computer scientists have had access to messages and other private information for each one of the accounts hacked.
The prosecutor of the state of Florida has many times underlined the gravity of the story and talking about the guy in Tampa has explained that this is not a common 17-year-old as “the crimes of this individual were perpetrated using the names of famous people and celebrities with the aim of stealing money from thousands of americans all over the country. Not only that, this action could destabilize financial markets around the world, undermining the policy and international diplomacy” .