Stephenie Meyer ready to write two more books

Midnight Sun, released on August 4th, has already thrilled the fans who in a few days have bought over a million copies. The book is a sort of reboot of the Twilight saga, the same story as the first book, told, however, through the eyes of the human Bella and her relationship with vampires. The last book, in these ten days since its release, has not, however, equaled the impact of the 2005 book which, at its release, managed to sell as many as seventy-three copies per minute.
Even according to critics, Midnight Sun doesn't seem to be a masterpiece. In fact, as the journalist Elle Hunt reports on The Guardian (you can read the review here), the book would be, in addition to being despicable in terms of writing, very boring. The story, according to Hunt, would be constructed in an unappetizing way.
Despite this, Meyer announced on USA Today (you can read the interview at this link) that she already has two other books in the pipeline: are two other books that I would like to write. I have already sketched them out and written the first chapter. I'm not ready to write them now. I would like to do something completely different. For me, the joy of writing comes from creativity, so I would like to do something new, a new world with new rules and a new mythology. Mythology is in my strings ”.
We'll see what the author has in store for fans and what these books have to add to a saga that has already run several years ago.
If you want to buy the Stephenie Meyer's new book, Midnight Sun, you can do it at this link.