Silent Hill: Will a new PS5 title be revealed soon?

Nonetheless, according to the horror and insider enthusiast, Dusk Golem - the same who predicted the announcement of Resident Evil Village - Konami will soon give us information. The title will simply be called "Silent Hill". It will not be a remake, but will be configured in an independent game. He also added that Sony should have included it in the PS5 event in June, but the insider plans to announce it between the months of August and September 2020. Unfortunately, however, Konami has not made the arrival of a new Silent Hill official at all. . However, fans do not give up and are convinced that the game will soon be revealed in Sony's next State of Play, as Dusk Golem claims.
Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004) To give false hopes, also, was a clip blackened but with the characteristic sound of the siren of Silent Hill , published on the Twitter profile of Konami, where you can read: “Close your eyes. It is always scary. The siren of Silent Hill 2” . As expected, this clip has down the minds of the fans who are now under the illusion of an imminent return of the series or of any remake – a feeling amplified by the already mentioned rumor in circulation about an alleged Silent Hill exclusive to PS5 . But the apology of a Twitter account created in July 2020, and dedicated to the series, Silent Hill Offical, they are not slow. “We are sorry to have given false hopes to people,” we read. The intent was simply to celebrate the huge success of the expansion available for Dead by Daylight , but actually it was easy to fraintendibile as a possible announcement of a new project relating to the famous horror game from Konami.
However, with the recent creation of a new profile , how do you continue to believe in the previous statements of Konami, who has claimed to not work at the time to any project linked to the famous horror franchise? If the account has been created, it is possible that there will be new ads in the future right here. This Konami does not deny, indeed, confirms that the profile sar à useful for these purposes, adding that, if they are coming important news on the series, he will not delay an event .
Waiting for the announcement of a new Silent Hill, you can buy the blu ray of two films dedicated to the series in video games on Amazon by clicking here .