Shroud: after the farewell to Mixer it will pass to Valorant, according to a rumor

The attention, in fact, first focused on Ninja's decision, who refused a huge sum of money to switch from Mixer to Facebook Gaming; instead of Shroud they had lost track. According to a rumor that quickly came into possession of, the latter would be willing to move to Valorant, to devote itself to creating content and competitive gaming on the "new" title of Riot Games.
Shroud would have declared that it is the right time to become a pro on Valorant: in fact, the launch of the online video game in question is very recent, so much so that Act 2 will only begin in the next few days; a competitive context in which it is difficult to enter has not yet been created. That Michael Grzesiek is really interested in Valorant and did not say this just to reassure his followers, however, we will know when he himself will be back in action; currently, as well as Ninja, he has taken a break.
Facebook Gaming has meanwhile incorporated what remained of the Mixer project, and he will therefore be Twitch's next true rival. The situation will continue to evolve in the coming months, and currently the period is characterized by extreme uncertainty; we will keep you updated.