Satispay: the era of electronic payments

Satispay: not only credit cards credit
Among the systems contemplated there is also Satispay, one of the main Italian startups and which in the months of the lockdown has already recorded an overwhelming growth (+ 51.7% in the number of transactions, which reached 13.2 million , and + 47% in the overall value of the same from the beginning of the year to today, equal to 254.3 million). Satispay intends to make sure that communication does not get in the way, since it must be said clearly to dispel any doubt from users: electronic payments are a corpus of which credit cards are part, but without exclusive advantages towards incentives and traceable payments.Satispay, thanks to a constantly growing community, believes that this step will be crucial precisely for the rooting of electronic payments on the road to eliminating cash. Alberto Dalmasso, CEO and co-founder of Satispay explains:
As often happens, also the change of culture and attitude toward electronic payments has been strongly stimulated also by the entrance on the market of new solutions capable of breaking down the barriers of acceptance. Then with the introduction in support of an economy that is increasingly digital from the so-called package cashless in the Budget Law 2020 has taken an important step on the normative level, that in these hours the Government is going further by completing with the Decree of August. To finish, is to stimulate the transition from cash to electronic payment now, you need to continue to make culture, making it clear to retailers and consumers that, in all the regulations which talks of incentive payments traceable, are included in addition to the cards, also other tools of electronic payment. That is necessary to do so it is also confirmed by the ruling submitted to the Italian Revenue Agency which, with its clear and definitive answer.230 helps to dispel any doubt.
According to Dalmasso is this the beginning of a path, by now, inescapable, and incontrovertible, that this decree may refer to a crucial point. The rest is clear: if to the cashback of the offer of the group alongside the “cashback” State, delete the cash becomes not only comfortable, not only useful, but also extremely convenient.
it Is clear that all future laws will be adhering to this principle, in compliance with european legislation, that imposes. The correct approach of the incentive to all that is traceable is certainly the most effective of the sanctions for non-acceptance, because if consumers have an incentive to pay in a traceable, will and the operator is fit. By contrast, today, the merchants are helped by the fact that on the market already there are alternative solutions to the cards can drastically reduce fees and eliminate the fixed costs, and that for ease of use and the offered services give a significant added value, as evidenced by the growth of Satispay. The combination of the two elements, the regulatory and the market, to trace definitively the way to the elimination of the cash.