Qualcomm-FTC case: the chipmaker check

Qualcomm-FTC case: the chipmaker check
The United States Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit ruled in Qualcomm's favor, unanimously overturning and completely overturning the District Court's judgment on the FTC case.

Qualcomm-FTC: Ruling in appeal in favor of the company

The diatribe is that of an antitrust nature that has been going on for years now, relating to connectivity technologies. In May 2019 the judge had established the existence of "anti-competitive behavior" and the "violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act", followed a few months later by a partial suspension of the injunction. Now the new ruling in favor of the chipmaker. These are the words of Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm's Executive Vice President and General Counsel.

The ruling of the Court of Appeal, which unanimously rejects and cancels the decision of the District Court, validates our business model and the our patent licensing program and highlights Qualcomm's incredible contribution to the entire industry. We thank the jury for the careful analysis of this important case.

In practice, the decision will result in the non-obligation to review the existing billion-dollar license agreements already signed by the group with third parties such as the producers of smartphone. The statement collected overseas by Ian Conner, director of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission, who defined the resolution "disappointing", confirming that the agency's willingness to evaluate further options is quite different.

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