PS5: price revealed by a well-known site, is it credible?

As reported by TheSixthAxis, in fact, the French shop Carrefour has just released the PlayStation preorder page 5 and all related official accessories. The price of PS5 and accessories, according to Carrefour, is:
PlayStation 5 Standard: 499.00 euros PlayStation 5 Digital Edition: 399.00 euros Pulse 3D headphones: 49.90 euros Charging station for two DualSense controllers: 49.90 euros DualSense controller : 49.90 euros PlayStation 5 HD camera: 49.90 euros Multimedia remote control for PS5: 49.90 euros As you can see, all the accessories are positioned at 49.90 euros: this detail, in particular, makes us think that it is just the umpteenth placeholder, leaked For error. DualSense is an evolution of DualShock 4 and includes even more components: considering that the PS4 controller costs 75 euros, it seems unlikely that the PS5 gamepad will be much less. Pulse 3D headphones are also likely to cost more: certainly more than a remote control. The same can be said of the HD Camera.
The prices of the two PS5 models, however, could be (almost) correct: € 499 is the most popular figure by analysts all over the world. To amaze are the 399 euros of the digital version: many expect a price difference of 50 euros, not 100.
For now, in any case, it is just a rumor without confirmations or denials. There is nothing else to do but wait for the official information.
Do you know that you can find PS5 already on Amazon Italy?!