People Card, business cards on Google

Your business card on Google: People Card
Something similar to the panels of the Knowledge Graph that appear in the SERPs after having sent the name of a well-known person as a query, but which instead of referring to the pages of Wikipedia or other information published by third parties show name, surname, profile picture, occupation and company, studies , city of residence and a short biography, completing all with links to personal profiles on social networks.The process of creating the People Card is quite simple: it is sufficient to carry out the identification to your Google account and select the “Get started ”after typing“ add me to search ”on the search engine.
We could say that by doing so, the Mountain View group provides a mirror through which to present oneself online. The rollout is immediate, but for the moment limited only to users in India who have chosen the English language as the default on their mobile devices. We imagine that, as usually happens with the other news coming from Mountain View, the range of action of the initiative will reach other territories in the future.